Nurturing Pregnancy


Both massage and the Bowen technique may play an important role in the health care and support of women pre, during and post pregnancy, relieving both the physical changes and stresses that pregnancy and child birthing may bring during this very nurturing time.

Nurturing pregnancy treatments are supported by Australian bush flower essences for emotional and physical support and balancing.

Pre pregnancy: assists natural conception and IVF by balancing the hormonal system of the body and relaxes body and mind to support physical and emotional wellbeing.

During pregnancy: relaxes the physical body during natural physical changes including increasing flexibility of muscular system and in particular the sensitive spine and pelvic areas.

Post pregnancy: assists adjustments to the body, heals scarring and tissue to restore physical and emotional wellbeing.


'Mother me' pregnancy massage

Carefully tailored to be safe for you and baby, this is a relaxing and gentle massage that is safe and comfortable. Treatments includes nurturing balms, organic essential oils, Flower essences to improve skin elasticity and prevention of stretch marks. As changes during pregnancy affect all aspects of the body, whole body massage of is most suggested. Each session is inclusive of appropriate assessment prior to nurturing massage.

Gentle Focus

30min $45
45min $60

Nurturing all over 

 60min   $80
75min $100


Bowen for mums and mum to be

Perfectly safe and relaxing for both mum and baby, Bowen Therapy can be performed in its entirety with client completely clothed and comfortably lying on her side or seated.

Bowen works by relaxing the nervous system as well as muscles and tendon and tissue, increasing blood flow, nerve supply and lymphatic drainage. This enables the body to maintain and restore body function and allowing the body to adapt at all stages of pregnancy.

Bowen therapy

 1hr              $100

Follow up adjustment

30min    $55

Follow up adjustment

 45min $75